10 definitions by Word Burglar

A stinky penis resulting from ploughing a stink ditch.
"Smell my rank dank"
"You have a rank dank"
by Word Burglar April 15, 2009
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Usually a group of hicks, red-necks, hillbilly's or hickabillys sitting on what used to be living room furniture, in there front lawn, porch etc., ferociously drinking booze in the blazing sun, sweating profusely as if said parties were in a sauna.
"Get out to the ghetto sauna boys, then mamas gonna hose y'all down in the back"

"duh, wheres my malt-liquer?...I got ghetto sauna sweat in my eyes!"
by Word Burglar May 15, 2009
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Being confused to the point of being fussy about the issue.

"But I don't know, ummphff, why cant I get this? Waaaaa!"

"Don't get all confussed about it!"
by Word Burglar April 29, 2009
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A word to describe the distance between major intersections in a large city. The small blocks in between are not included when using this phrase.

The M can stand for Main, Major, or even Mega to describe the rough distance between two locations.
Person one: "How far is your hotel to the C.N. Tower?"

Person two: "Roughly 4 and a half M-Blocks"
by Word Burglar October 28, 2009
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Seth: "Annually, an average of 240 million factory farmed turkeys will be slaughtered this week in celebration of a successful harvest season"

Janine:"You mean the turkey holocaust."

Billy:"Oh, Thanksgiving"
by Word Burglar October 9, 2010
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When someone offers a bite of there sandwich restricting the size of bite by strategically placing their fingers where they want to cut off your bite to a nibble.
James "wanna bite?"
Veronica "Sure! That sandwich sure does look fantastic"
*bite commences*
Veronica "that was cheap, would have been better if not for the bite limiter"
by Word Burglar December 10, 2009
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When a persons nose hair becomes visible on the outside of the nostril it resembles tiny mouse whiskers. Most extreme cases are commonly seen on the elderly, where the whisker length can reach up to 4 inches.
n. "Check out the mouse whiskers on Grandma!"

v. "Looks like I'll be mouse whiskerin' today."
by Word Burglar December 31, 2010
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