1 definition by Wooooaaaaaahhhhh bruh

A redundant phrase. The anarchist movement has always had socialist tendencies, beginning with Proudhon ("Property is theft") to the modern era. Even the most "capitalistic" - the individualist anarchists of 19th century America - rejected capitalism as a system of state-granted privileges to wealthy land-owners.

The "anarcho"-capitalists of Murray Rothbard and the like stem more directly from the classical liberal tradition than any movement that represents the anarchist tradition. While Rothbard did take influence from the Boston Individualist Anarchists, he had essentially flipped the entire doctrine on its head, transforming it into apologetics for the status quo economy.
"an"cap: hey, anarcho socialist! let's smash the state together! anarcho socialism and anarcho capitalism can coexist! anarchism with adjectives!

anarchist: your ideology is an oxymoron.
by Wooooaaaaaahhhhh bruh January 3, 2019
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