10 definitions by Wong

The condition in which your eyes are so red it looks like you just smoked a fat crack rock.
Your eyes are so cracked out they look like they're bleeding.
by Wong August 26, 2003
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Short for Jesus. Used by Christians who don't want to "use the Lord's name in vain" even though it's just as bad.
Geez I'm hungry. Better go to the potluck.
by Wong August 27, 2003
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Dumb Thoughtless Supporter. Love it or Leave it belongs in this category. He is like cattle, being herded by the government. One of the greatest things about this country is that we have freedom of speech, and that we have the choice to question our government's decisions. You must remember, politicians are still people too, and where's the proof of the weapons of mass destruction program?
DTS's like Love it or Leave it should not be allowed to live.
by Wong September 6, 2003
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