83 definitions by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter

A very realistic CGI 3D model of an Arabic looking man in a turban with a salt-and-pepper beard who appears on U.S. propaganda against Islam. Exists only in the mind of George W. Bush.
If Osama's real, then why don't we see him or hear him?
by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter September 11, 2007
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Four keys on an Apple II keyboard that stood in for the arrow keys before they put 'real' arrow keys on later models. Compare wasd. Mostly used in educational games in elementary schools back in the late 1980s.
WhiningBrat01:Hey this keyboard doesn't have arrow keys!
SaddamCastroTheTeacher:Just use the ijkm keys.
by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter November 19, 2007
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The act of throwing one's legal weight around to deliberately stifle innovation so one can be the only one who can charge license fees for an obvious invention. The RIAA, MPAA, ESA, and Microsoft are supporters of intellectual terrorism. So called because the cease & desist letters and infringement lawsuits instill terror.
"The Dump" video game ROM site was a victim of intellectual terrorism.
Charging someone twice for one usable copy of Windows XP because they lost the install disk and their hard drive crashed is an example of intellectual terrorism.
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Describing someone who is too young and feeble to be of any use to society, and instead is a burden. Can also describe the sellout children who are undercover cops who try to nail stores for selling cigarettes to them. Implies that the person in question is so young and infantile that they aren't even old enough to buy a pacifier to suck on.
Yooou watch Yu-gi-oh?! You probably get carded for buying a pacifier!

The little boy who came to the SuperFresh to try and buy a pack of Camels is so young, he should be carded for buying a pacifier.

Little Johnny drops a duece in his parents bed, and would be carded for buying a pacifier.
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A bloodthirsty Highlander who has the urge to make bloodier than usual historical films. Showed his true colors with the addition of some ethanol. He has this fascination with seeing red human blood spurt out of cut arteries and veins rhythmically with the heartbeat. He's a Catholic.
Mel Gibson has a good chance of starring in the next Cannibal Holocaust movie and he gets to be the person who does ritual sacrifices on film. Oops, they did something like that, see apocalypto.

Braveheart:Blood-painted swords, blood dripping down his face.
Apocalypto:Cutting a father's throat in front of his son, removing human hearts.
Passion of the Christ:Whipping Jesus, nailing him to the plus sign (he's drizzled like a cinnamon bun with blood).
The Patriot:People getting shot and stabbed with bayonets.
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What a human has done who thinks the only meaning of life is to make more life. Often has 6 or more children, wants to get free paychecks, has many spouses (consecutively or concurrently), wants time off from work, and doesn't believe in either condoms or abstinence.
Heather's grandmother bred like a nymphomaniac rabbit on Viagra. She had 17 children, each and every one a body mass index of 40.
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The analog hole is a loophole that allows music to be copied (infringed, or pirated, according to drm worshippers) by analog ripping. Heck, you can stand in front of your computer's speakers with a microphone and duplicate a content-protected file. You can also copy a DVD 'illegally' with your cell phone's camera. It's a concept that makes the RIAA/MPAA crap their pants, though not too much since the quality degrades with each generation.

Video signals can't be easily copied through the analog hole thanks to Macrovision.
The movie theaters installed many infrared LEDs facing the silver screen to plug the analog hole, because video cameras are sensitive to infrared light.
by Wm. Wallace The Freedom Fighter September 19, 2007
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