1 definition by Wigglewoo

"Brightful" describes a unison of bright and beautiful. It was a word invented by a young girl named Hannah D. who used it to describe a unicorn's unique beauty and magnificence in a poem she wrote in July 2017. When her Father (who is also a poet) shared this with a friend, his friend loved the word so much that she thought it deserved recognition and encouragement! So, as time passed, "brightful" became recognized as a bright and beautiful word all to itself and those in the world who sought to use it, would indeed never look back. It became a favorite word for all empaths and children worldwide, all of whom have Hannah to thank for such a magnificent invention. Thank you Hannah D.! Additional thanks to her Father for sharing her creative brilliance with us all!
Excerpts from her delightful poem help to bring context:
1/ "...a unicorn is simply lovely, of course it's beautiful!

...but the best thing about it, it's brightful"
by Wigglewoo July 17, 2017
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