1 definition by Who wrote the second b4nny def

(n.) The definitive pocket soldier of Comp TF2's 6v6 format. TLR is known for his DM-heavy playstyle and in particular his ability to hit unorthodox airshots; as well as an infamous attempt to steal an ESEA Lan Trophy a couple years ago.

(v.) When you try to cum on a guy/girl, but they pull out at the last second and start erratically running left and right in an attempt to make you miss your cumshot. But the thing is, you're actually Peter North. You then jizz a mighty puddle upon his/her feet, launching them several feet in the air, and then flickcum a mighty spooge torpedo that subsequently results in their explosion. Anything less, surprisingly, is also called a Platinum.
1. "Hai guise TLR steal da troffy lololololololopfok;djasdfdasfjlka meatshot"

2. "WTF?! How'd you cum on me?"

"I've been MGEing with your best friend behind your back. TLR'd, bitch."
by Who wrote the second b4nny def December 9, 2013
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