3 definitions by Weaponized bathtub

A really cool bathtub which have a 70mm main gun and 7.62mm machine gun mounted and is ready to blow off some Abbyism doing perosn
Person 1: i see Abbyism.
Person 2: i see weaponized bathtub blowing her to pieces.
by Weaponized bathtub February 13, 2022
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A gang of really really cool people who are against Abbyism and work for launch community to save them from bullshit, we are communist.

Shoutout to weaponized bathhant, weaponized bread teleporter, weaponized KGB, weaponized spy, weaponized foods coolest person alive, weaponized bathtub me, weaponized go beyond, weaponized toafu, weaponized blazing and all other cool weaponizeds.
Person 1: oh man she's doing Abbyism
Person 2Russian accent: Don't worry brother, weaponizeds will handle her bullshitting.
by Weaponized bathtub February 13, 2022
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Person 1: she got big bobs
Person 2: AYO no horny
by Weaponized bathtub February 13, 2022
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