3 definitions by We're Evil

The phonetic spelling of how to pronounce the name “Jennivine”. This (rather peculiar) name has its roots in Chinese history, and is mostly used as teasing nickname to (in general) annoy people. It works! Once the name catches on, rest assured, EVERYONE will call that person Jen Wen - even strangers! Often describes someone of a geeky background who tries to pretend they're not a total geek, but 100% are.
by We're Evil November 28, 2017
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The phonetic spelling of how to pronounce the name “Jennivine”. Has Chinese origins and is mostly used as a nickname. Once the name catches on, everyone calls that person Jen Wen - even the teachers!
by We're Evil November 28, 2017
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An eccentric name that originated from China which is unfortunately often mispronounced and misspelled. It is an unusual name and can be considered to have been made up. It is most properly pronounced as “Jen Wen” in a lilting Chinese accent.
“Oh, Jennivine, you’re such a nerd!”
by We're Evil November 28, 2017
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