3 definitions by Waz

An undersized, over-compensating, insecure extrovert, often encountered engaging in self-aggrandizing activity which usually underscores rather than offsets his (or her) inadequacies.
While trying out for the part of Magilla Gorilla, the scrastard needed to stuff pads and pillows into the sagging voids of the costume.
by Waz November 18, 2004
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A foolish type of jig dance that involves kicking feet from side to side.
My sister did a "dancing helmi" when she saw that her favorite tv show was on
by Waz November 21, 2003
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A boytoy that is cool enough to not only have sex with but hang out with and be seen in public with. A toyfriend is not to be introduced to others as your boyfriend. This is a guy that if circumstances (married,attached,business travel, life goals, financial status, age difference, children) were different would be boyfriend material.
He's more than a boytoy to me he is good enough to be a toyfriend.
by Waz April 23, 2003
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