1 definition by Watev_88

Well if cuteness was a person, that would be non other than this cute, Adorable,sweet, gorgeous girl ,Manvitha. The girl who can melt Ur heart in a gif, the girl who can take your breath away, and certainly the one who'll make u smile broard as daylight, cuz that's what she is all about, the fire to the soul, the spice of life, sparking love with her energetic spirit and above all, an amazing and adorable girl. Manh, if u have a Manvitha in your life, you are damn lucky. As ull see how cute the word cute really is.
Guy 1: dude, u know who the cutest girl is?

Guy 2: that's easy. Cuz it's Manvitha
by Watev_88 November 23, 2021
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