4 definitions by Warmaster Assclown

A number describing a whole SHITLOAD of stuff.

Beyond the known set of numbers.
"I'm going to tap this creature and deal you...a bitchmillion damage!"
by Warmaster Assclown August 26, 2004
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1.) A rather noticable piece of shit from someone's ass.

2.) Dingleberry.

"Don't look now, but I think that guy just less loose an asschunk!"

"Don't eat the asschunk!"
by Warmaster Assclown August 31, 2004
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When something or someone will not work when the operator is entirely correct.

When something is broken for no reason at all.
"Mrs. Philbin, my computer is being gaytarded again!"
by Warmaster Assclown August 26, 2004
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1.) Of or being of the ass.

2.) The ass factor in a situation.

3.) The gayness of a situation.
"Jesus, the assness of that clown was scary!"
by Warmaster Assclown August 31, 2004
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