2 definitions by Wade_the_guy

When someone wants to get more views on their videos so they put stupid trending hashtags that have nothing to do with it like #fortnite, #gamer, or most commonly on tik tok, #disneysnutcracker
Guy 1: woah how’d this guy get so many likes on this post?
Guy 2: ugh he’s just one of those Disneys nutcrackers
by Wade_the_guy November 13, 2018
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When a group of people all have a huge connection (anywhere from strong relationships to a literal hive mind) and they all have such bad depression that they all hang themselves at the same time. Can be used with multiple nooses, or just one for many people
“I guess we have no choice but to gang hang..”

“Let’s go out gang hang style!”
by Wade_the_guy December 19, 2017
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