3 definitions by Wackazoid

A league of legends champion from the fictional lands of Tighlandnese, he has abilities such as , ' An Acquired Taste ', ' Tongue Lash ' and ' Regurgitate '. He has a 175.2cm stature and has a fish-like appearance. He is very presentable as he wears a top hat and blazer ( subject to change with skins ).
Person 1 : Man... that guy is playing Tahm Kench
Person 2 : Aww man
by Wackazoid September 21, 2023
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Shouting for an incredible amount of time.
Krillin : oh my god he's Dragonball Z
Vegeta : what?
by Wackazoid May 21, 2019
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MSG is like salt on crack, it improves almost every meal.
Person 1: This food is so bland...
Person 2: Because there's no MSG in it.
Person 1: Oh I see
by Wackazoid March 16, 2021
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