12 definitions by WM86

The round on The Price Is Right where a big wheel is spun and three players have already played their pricing games. The object is to come as close as you can to $1.00--WITHOUT GOING OVER. Getting the $1.00 (the 100) directly or in a combination of two spins (the two have to equal 100 or $1.00) awards $1,000 ($5,000 if a Million Dollar Spectacular). Landing on the green sections (5 and 15) during the bonus spin earns you $10,000 (previously $5,000) and landing on the 100 again on the bonus spin earns you $25,000 (previously $10,000). Players (and most often the host) can also be booed when they do not get the wheel around at least once.
"And now, here's Drew Carey (or Bob Barker) with the Showcase Showdown!" announcer Rich Fields said after announcing the consolation prizes or products for promotional consideration if the show is in a rerun.
by WM86 January 14, 2009
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A short-lived category on Wheel of Fortune, used only during Season 12 (1994-09-05 - 1995-06-23; also the last year for the show to record in the Bob Barker Studio, or CBS Television City, studio 33) that consisted of a word that was 8-13 letters long. The player who solves this puzzle gets an extra $500 bonus for using the word in a complete sentence.
The first Megaword used on Wheel of Fortune was EXTEMPORIZE.
by WM86 April 2, 2009
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The start of The Price Is Right when all four players are called down to Contestants' Row. The podiums are colored red, blue, yellow, and green. The person who is closest to the actual retail price of the prize gets to come up on stage to play a pricing game. If all are over, a buzzer sounds repeatedly and Drew Carey will ask them to bid again under the lowest bid recorded. If a player gets the price exactly right, not only do they get to come up on stage, they get a $500 bonus as well. When a pricing game is finished (and the commercials are gone), announcer Rich Fields asks another player to come on down. The player then occupies the position of the previous player.

Good strategy for when a player thinks the other three are over is bidding $1. There was also one occasion where someone had bid $69, causing the audience to laugh and Drew Carey to lose it in laughter in Season 36. After three contestants have made it on stage and played a pricing game, there is the Showcase Showdown, and the process (this and pricing game x 3, Showcase Showdown) repeats again for the second half of the show.
"Hey, Rich, what's the next item up for bids?" Drew Carey asks announcer Rich Fields as part of the One Bid.
by WM86 January 14, 2009
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The final round of The Price Is Right; it involves two players who have won the Showcase Showdown. The player who has won the most money out of the two is the Top Winner; the player who has won the least money out of the two is the Runner-Up. The object is to come as close as you can to the actual retail price--WITHOUT GOING OVER. The Top Winner has the privilege to bid on the first Showcase or force the Runner-Up to bid on it; this is called passing. If a player overbids, he/she is automatically disqualified (but they keep the prizes won before the round), as an overbid cannot win. If a player wins, and he/she is $250 or less ($500 if a Million Dollar Spectacular) away from the actual retail price, he/she will win BOTH Showcases (and $1,000,000 if a Million Dollar Spectacular)! If both players are over, it is called a double overbid; in other words, nobody wins. A good strategy if a player thinks his/her opponent overbid is bidding $1.
"Actual retail price..." Drew Carey announced to the top winner before revealing the good news in the Showcase.
by WM86 January 14, 2009
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The current producer of The Price Is Right in Season 37 (2008-09). When Bob Barker hosted the show and made a joke about her, she was always seen on camera smiling. When Drew Carey hosted the show in 2007, he talked about a producers' box with Kathy inside of it on the July 2, 2008 episode (Season 36)! When the camera cut to her, she gave a surprised look and closed it! She's also nicknamed "Fingers" when she gave Bob Barker a good massage in the '80s. She also created the pricing game "Secret "X"" back in 1977.
Kathy Greco took over Roger Dobkowitz (The Dob)'s job for Season 37 in 2008 as Producer.
by WM86 January 9, 2009
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(b. 1986-10-23) 22-year old actress born in Anderson, South Carolina who plays Erin Silver on the fourth edition of the "Beverly Hills, 90210" franchise, 90210 on The CW. She also starred in films such as "The Hills Have Eyes II" , "This Christmas", "School for Scoundrels", and "Prom Night". She also was in notable commercials for Dentyne and Honda.
Did you know that Silver in her teenaged years on 90210 was played by Jessica Stroup?
by WM86 December 9, 2008
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The unwanted sound heard on a game show, usually when a bonus round is lost.

On The Price Is Right, when a player loses his or her pricing game, or if there is a double overbid in the Showcase, these are signified by a tuba playing the first four notes of theme music followed by horns playing notes in C, D, and E all at once before pretending to faint. When Drew Carey hosted the show in 2007, an A-sharp note was added with faintly audible drums with the sound remixed in full stereo.
When you hear the losing horns on a game show, you know something went horribly wrong.
by WM86 January 14, 2009
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