2 definitions by W.L.T

A female or male who walks around with an really large back
Jeff Ross : hey everybody welcome the goat back from cnn
by W.L.T May 7, 2021
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When a person walks around all day with with sour armpits sour back sour leg all daiiiii😂😂 aka A mustyyyy Bitchhhh //Nikkkaaa period 🤔😂😂😂😂🤣😅😂😂🤣😂
This girl from sutter ave in bk smells like a walking Lime treee

She wear lime smell all de time 😂😂😂
Friend 1: Hey gyal waagannn Hahahaha

Friend 2: nuttinn going to this man house me smell gudddd uppp while walking always 😂😂😂
Friend 1: Smiling and waving 👋 goodbye

Hmmmmmm she smell like a walking like tree squnt 😒😒😒😂😂😂😂 N ride off on me bike 🚲
by W.L.T May 7, 2021
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