10 definitions by Vince0110

A very Sabahan word.
It is similar to "Ok".

It's so common in Sabah.
And it works just like the word "Ok".

Sometimes, people use "Ok" and "Bah" together.
Which just makes your "Confirmation" sound more emphasised.
A: Kau pigi sana kadai nanti.
B: Bah.

(Using Bah and Ok together)

A: Kau tulung sia bikin ni nanti, buli?
B: Bah, ok.
B: Ok, bah.


A: (You) Go to the shop later.
B: Bah.

(Using Bah and Ok together)
A: Can you help me fix this later?
B: Bah, ok.
B: Ok, bah.
by Vince0110 January 2, 2022
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It is a "word" or just an exclamation that Sabahans commonly use to say "Shoo!".
Specifically to a dog.

That's all there is.

Oh, and another variant:
-Sika po!
A: Sika! Anjing, budu.

(With the variant)(Basically the same thing)
A: Sika po! Anjing, budu.
by Vince0110 January 3, 2022
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In English, it is translated to "2 times 5". (Which sounds like a math equation)

But the meaning is to say that someone or a group of people that they're basically doing the same thing as someone else.
Usually a bad thing.

It could mean: "They're all just the same."

Here's how you use this:
In Malay:
A: 2 kali 5 ja durang ni.
A: Janganlah kamu cakap-cakap lagi- sia tau kamurang semua salah juga ni.

In English (for the sake of translation):
A: They're all just the same. (2 kali 5)
A: No need to say more- I know you're all in the wrong.
by Vince0110 January 3, 2022
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