2 definitions by Victimized by police

I am afraid of the police because I have been victimized by the police and I wish to remain anonymous....(Anonymous Victim of Police)....AnVoP
by Victimized by police February 16, 2017
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With Rice means to increase the positive scale of something in the 1 to 10 range, 1 low 10 high.
It comes from and internet meme of a guy who attempted to have sex with a coconut. He then posted the experience and said it was terrible. Other men tried to come up with ways to improve the experience, one guy said try it with warm rice. The guy with the coconut attempted a second time and posted the results and when asked on a scale 1 to 10 he replied a solid 2 but a 6 with rice.
by Victimized by police December 3, 2020
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