18 definitions by Vash

schang!!1! a crazy word ^_^ it's funny too!
I schanged your mom.
Schang you.
Schang! I broke a nail.
by Vash February 19, 2005
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Another place for losers to listen to repetitious music, while the nice, sensative guys that girls claim to want sit at home in the dark, silently weeping. "Bitter, Me?"
I am not at all bitter about not ever going to prom.
by Vash September 14, 2003
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Publisher of popular and graphic hentai games, particularly the Viper series. Full of rape, alien tentacles, and... she-males.
Why the FUCK does Akira have a penis in Sogna's Viper GTB?

Sogna knows how to please japanese otakus with this shit.
by Vash March 13, 2005
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