1 definition by Vampire Shoegaze espresso bar

An underground goth girl whose main practices include: giving haircuts, shopping for vintage clothing, creating playlists via music streaming services, reading #Libra tweets, and as of 2019 - knitting. K8s’ can usually be found in trendy cafes or local markets shopping for only the finest brands of kombucha; all the while wearing at least one piece of velvet clothing and or accessories. Equipped with big hearts and bubbly personalities, K8’s can be rather friendly and loving although they are often times too shy to break the ice when encountered. Don’t let their immediate shyness fool you, once comfortable K8s’ may talk for hours at a time and even sing if you’re lucky enough.
Anonymous female: “Hell yeah, check out this velvet jacket I just thrifted; I can’t wait to wear it at the STROKES concert this Saturday.” *Sips Kombucha*

Very Culturally In-tune Male: “Lol wow, you’re such a K8.”
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