10 definitions by Valo

An old CB word developed by 2 potheads on the way to a bowling-ally that means marijuana.
Me and my boy Roach ate up all the green candy last weekend.
by Valo September 24, 2004
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Fuck the police. Coined in early 1998 by a C.B. local. It is the only true definition of this word and all the othere can f*ck off.
I'm sick of these pigs harassing us. FTP baby.
by Valo February 16, 2005
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A ghetto ass card shop in CB that houses comic city man, a fat bastard of a man who lives off of spray cheeze and the sraps of money he gets for the shitiest of things. There are always to fags by the window playin yugio-gay-shit so they can become proffesionals and make a living.
God, I'm gonna set a pipe bomb off in that store. The fags are like K-mart.
by Valo December 17, 2004
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