1 definition by VTEC's suck

Derogatory name for Barskahai's (Armenian's from Iran). They were given this name because they all seem to drive Honda or Acura's. Some of their cars are actually equipped with VTEC engine's, the others just buy VTEC emblems and decals from an auto parts store and apply them to their "VTEC".
The 'VTEC's seem to think that these cars are so fast and so cool, that nothing else can compare to them. To spot a 'VTEC' simply go to Glendale, CA and drive down Brand Blvd. Look for a Honda Civic with some kind of VTEC decal and a huge wing, listen for the fart-in-a-can exaust and the bumping techno music. They appear to be fast cars, but even the slowest car can do 60mph down a city street.
Duuude-bro, check out my VTEC, I just got a speaker that makes a sound like a blow-off valve.

Duuude-bro, you just got a turbo and a cold air intake? There is no way that Viper will have any chance against you.

Duude-bro, I just got some plastic Spinner hub caps for my VTEC.
by VTEC's suck July 24, 2006
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