1 definition by VR_Jay

For any first-time web user looking to see what the internet (and, sub sequentially, its users) is really like, than look no further. From crude, childish humor to people who hate your band, Encyclopedia Dramatica is the perfect representation of what the interwebs is REALLY all about. Lampooning everything including itself, ED puts a funny and often offensive twist on every conglomerated experience (good, bad, or otherwise) you've ever had on the internet. Free from guilt, remorse, or liability, its authors poke fun at (read: insult) everything from Live Journal feuds to politics, gay marriage to women's rights. Be it video games or porn search engines, nothing is sacred, everything is up for grabs, and if its popular or blog-worthy, you'll most likely find someone tearing it a new one on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Most weekend lesbians are also attention whores, and will never actually do the deed should the situation arise. This only compounds on their total stupidity, as telling someone about how you drunkenly kissed another girl is like bragging to a black person about a really deep tan you had once.
- Encyclopedia Dramatica on "Weekend Lesbians"
by VR_Jay May 12, 2007
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