2 definitions by VR456

1. A type of platformer games player who enjoys insanely difficult platforming challenges that require extreme precision and timing. If the game has a level/map editor, that player likes to make and publish levels in it that appeal to their taste. At the same time, that player is very self-aware.

2. Descriptor of a very difficult level, primarily user-made.

Originates from N++ community, in which user under nickname Skylighter often shares challenging levels.
1. That guy is quite a skylighter; he is crazy about pixel-perfect jumps
2. Have you tried that skylighter level? It's so difficult, I didn't bother finishing it.
by VR456 June 2, 2019
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Deragotary form of word "janitor" used to refer to moderators of forums and imageboards in an offensive manner; in particular to those, who block users for something minor, or for being generally oversensitive.
Originates from 4chan's /sp/ board.
Fucking Jannie blocked me for Pepe-posting.
by VR456 March 31, 2019
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