1 definition by VNYAND

A wannabe progressive pseudo socialist town whose main source of commerce are the starbucks, and bribes from rich parents to keep from their sons and daughters being thrown in jail on a regular basis for underage drinking and smoking pot. Residents show a huge amount of pride in their town, mainly because if they all pretend their town is cool, then they'll be cool, and relieve a lot of their social anxieties they normally treat with expensive designer clothing trends (ie uggs, northface) brought on by their unprecedented level of superficiality. Nowhere else in the world can a person amount to so little yet think so highly of themselves.
I drove through Niskayuna today, and I swear I must have seen a dozen kids bent over their own feces actually ENJOYING the smell. I'm NEVER coming back to this dive.
by VNYAND February 19, 2009
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