2 definitions by UselessLee88

Someone who enjoys the act of tickling others (usually ticklees), either for sexual pleasure or as something fun and innocent.

These people can experience ler moods, in which they want to tickle someone
"God, im in such a ler mood"
by UselessLee88 November 29, 2019
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A person who enjoys being tickled, usually called a Lee for short. This could be for sexual pleasure, or something just fun and innocent

(if you have trouble understanding how it's not a kink, think of how some people really like to be hugged and are cuddly, but obviously its not a fetish. This is the same for non-sexual lees)

These people often get 'lee moods', where they wish to be tickled.
"Gosh! Im im such a lee mood, I just want to be tickled"

"Whats a lee?"

"Someone who likes to be tickled- a ticklee. Lee for short."
by UselessLee88 November 29, 2019
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