12 definitions by Usebleach

A Jorg Flow-d is a coconut footballer, who takes the knee for black criminals, before every UK premiere league match.
Fan to hus mate at a premiere league match: "Look at him, bended down on one knee."

Fans friend shouts: "Get up you Jorg Flow-d, and start scoring some goals for the UK; not America."
by Usebleach May 28, 2022
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C.H.B. stands for COUNCIL HOUSE BARRISTER, and is someone who is believed to have lived in a council house(NOT), who failed their exams, and made friends with crackheads, before they slept their way into Oxford/Cambridge, and then to the BAR.
Oxford Neighbour1 talking to neighbour2: "Here comes that C.H.B with that decent man."
Neighbour 2: "Well at least there's no camels."
by Usebleach March 12, 2020
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You call someone butters, if you are not attracted to them. They look like butter between your fingers feels. All gooey sticky Urrrh...
Jo Blogs to friend: "what about that girl over there?"
JO BLOGGS: "Nar, she's butters."
by Usebleach October 11, 2020
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A "same sex marriage" is someone who has crows feet and looks like a woman, but doesn't have a menstrual cycle, so is a man.
Doctor: "Did you see any blood coming from between its legs?"
Patients husband: "No. Is my wife a same sex marriage then, Doc?"
Doctor: "Yeah, it looks like yr wifes a man!!! Get off the 321 bus"
Patients husband: "But all she's got is a CO2 emitting car for me to drive"
Doctor: "I'm afraid its no longer within our remit."
Patients Husband: "But what about the environment?"
by Usebleach August 4, 2020

Daughter to her family via zoom"Whers dad? I can't see him on the screen. Is he keeping L.P?"
by Usebleach December 26, 2022
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