1 definition by Urmamapee2

Toilts are characters with certain tropes and traits.
A toilt can be any gender, and the amount of traits they have can vary. Here are some common traits of toilts.
1. Dumb

2. A simp for someone (and obsessed with them)
3. Gullible
4. Annoying
5. incredibly powerful abilities
6. Energetic

7. Easily jealous of anyone with a relationship with the person they simp for
8. A little crazy with a grey moral compass

9. Serves as comedic relief for the show, game, etc. they came from
Toilts will almost always have a person they love more than they love themselves. They typically have romantic intentions or the person is an idol to them. Their person could either like or hate the toilt’s company. A toilt’s person could even try to get rid of the toilt due to annoyance. A toilt is rarely the main character, and instead is usually a side or supporting character. The person they like typically is a main character, if not that they are at least important in the plot. Toilts often appear in the work setting, usually making the toilt the new employee, and their person being the boss or higher up.
“That character is such a toilt.”
by Urmamapee2 November 24, 2021
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