2 definitions by UrbanDictionister

When your idea is possible in theory, and it "works" and isn't against the laws of physics, but it's just impractically dumb, and the data is clear but you pursue it anyway.
What's with those solar roadways? That's just psuedoengineering!
by UrbanDictionister June 1, 2023
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Someone that blindly believes objective nonsense despite the overwhelming body of reputable evidence showing it to be rubbish.

Came into use in the UK after the referendum to leave the EU resulted in 52% voting for leaving, and 48% against. In the period leading up to the vote, there was a lot of obvious misinformation that caused many voters to believe the UK would be better off outside the EU. This was despite reputable sources indicating this was not the case.
"Did you hear Dave won't get his vaccine because he's worried it will contain a 5g chip?"
"Urgh, that guy is such a 52 percenter"
by UrbanDictionister December 2, 2021
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