2 definitions by UrbDic dude

1.If that you're here, you probably are bored to death and typed all the letters on the keyboard except for e. So, Why don't you go and actually do something productive.
2. The product of extreme boredom when you type all the letters on the keyboard except e. (Why am I even typing)?
I was born with a 50,000 word essay, so I just typed qwrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
by UrbDic dude November 9, 2020
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1. Boy scouts that aren't in middle school yet.
2. The ranks are Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos, And Arrows of light.
Hey mom, can I be a cub scout? "Yes John. But only if you promise to get me all the loops and patches." "Okay!" John joins the cub scouts" 5 years later. "John, did you get all the loops?" "John hasn't gotten a single one " Yes mom, I did.
by UrbDic dude November 9, 2020
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