6 definitions by Unofficial Mayor

A homosexual that takes a shit on the kitchen floor to mark his/her territory when leaving a person's house after a one night stand
Ben: I went home with that bloke from the nightclub last night.
Tim: Did you fuck him?
Ben: Too right I did. I celebtrated with a Bismay before I left this morning.
by Unofficial Mayor February 27, 2018
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A turd taken in Hawaii after a large feed where the turd is so large it rests on the base of the toilet bowl and breaches the water in the toilet bowl
I ate a Quarter Pounder and nuggets last night and had to suffer through a Waikiki Wipe this morning. I am exhausted.
by Unofficial Mayor March 4, 2018
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The act of inserting a finger in your own arse at the same time as fisting your lady's vagina while having anal sex.
"I managed to tick off a Brigdo on my bucket list last night. It was amazing but I feel a bit degraded."
by Unofficial Mayor March 2, 2018
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The art of spraying shit on the wall while sitting on the toilet
Jeremy: If you need to use the bathroom avoid the third cubicle.
Mark: Why?
Jeremy: I had a vindaloo for dinner last night and managed to achieve a Maconatchie without even trying.
by Unofficial Mayor February 28, 2018
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A piece of (usually square) cloth used to clean-up or catch any bodily discharge other than from the nose, and retained for future use.
Is that a pocket square or a stankychief in that tosser's blazer pocket?
by Unofficial Mayor May 2, 2018
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An undesirable person, that smells like shit and has no friends
Person 1: A new guy started working at my office today.
Person 2: What is he like?

Person 1: He's a Couchy. Lucky he isn't sitting near me
by Unofficial Mayor March 1, 2018
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