2 definitions by Unknown 105

Bogeyman is a type of mythic creature used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. Bogeymen have no specific appearance and conceptions vary drastically by household and culture, but they are most commonly depicted as masculine or androgynous monsters that punish children for misbehavior.
You better sleep now or the
Boogeyman will kill you!
Son: something's at my window

The mother rushed to the son's room

She never saw her son again...
by Unknown 105 March 28, 2022
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File...(top secret)

As a member of the SCP foundation
And the O5 council you think that you can handle the truth about this creature....

You think you can handle it?

Scp 001 just doesn't exist

You think it's a codename for other creatures,well it's not

Here's the truth:Three scientists at
The SCP foundation refers to three
Creatures as SCP 001...

The prototype...
The factory...
And the gate guardian...

The three scientists refers them as
Scp 001
Completely different than the other
"SCP 001's"

Scp 001 does not exist
It's just creatures that's not scp's
But reffered as SCP's

It's Just a motivation for SCP foundation
Workers to complete the job and hoping
That they will know about "SCP 001"

Know you know the truth... I gotta go...
by Unknown 105 March 30, 2022
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