1 definition by UnionJamily

Being a JCat means you are dedicated and obsessed with the British band Union J. If you are a JCat you'll know that George is the cute one, JJ is the dumb one, Josh is the weird one and Jaymi is the sassy one.
JCats can be cute, but if you insult one of their boys they will kill you. They are especially protective of George as he's like a baby and he is just fucking adorable, although we would actually love to have sex with him and all of them.

Yes, JCat is a cheesy name but we don't care because we're cute and better than you.
Also to be in the fandom you'd have to accept that yes, Jaymi is gay, the boys have a random liking to the hobby of twerking, mostly George, Josh has better eyebrows than you, George looks like Miranda Crosgrove, they are absolute freaks of nature and Josh has a twitter for his cat Oreo and pretends it's the cat that actually types the stuff.

Other than that, the boys adore their JCats and are always thanking them and telling them how much they love them, so come join the fandom!
"We love our JCats, they mean so much to us. We love you!"

"Does Taylor Swift have a beard?"

"A cabbage."

"Probably the sugar babes."

"Guys, let's twerk!"

"Oops! Monkeys don't swear!"

"Union J, the J stands for jackets..."

"Winner winner, chicken dinner!"

"I'm JJ and I like to ride ponys."

"And everyone was going, where's Josh, where's Josh? Where was he? Sitting on the toilet playing Pokemon."

"The wheels on the bus go round and round."

"Your our Union Jamily."
by UnionJamily March 18, 2013
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