2 definitions by UninterestingMeme05

A type of music for beta males. Typically the type of stuff you'd find in a talent show cringe comp or such. It can also be other types songs, such as Tom MacDonald, Lil Darkie or Dream songs. Also stuff like video game OSTs, anime opening music and video game raps.
Person 1: Hey, I was listening to Mask by Dream!
Person 2: Ugh, stop listening to that betawave garbage.
by UninterestingMeme05 July 7, 2021
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A boss you fight in Cuphead.
King Dice will be in the Dice houses for Inkwell Isle 1 and 2.
He is the Devils right hand man. He also has a catchy theme song. His bossfight takes place in a casino where you parry a dice which will take you to a random casino themed boss. (EX: Cigar).
However King Dice is porn gold as there is lots of porn of King dice.
Person 1: hey I got to the king dice boss, man he's so hard!
Person 2: king dice X devil x3
by UninterestingMeme05 November 18, 2017
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