4 definitions by Undertaker2002

Izzat is a huge Kisseyeh, he has to grow some balls; He's such a pussy.
by Undertaker2002 August 1, 2019
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A name of a creature that belongs to the breed wild hogs commonly used in Lebanon.

Can be used as a term to insult a person.
Ex1: Yesterday I was hunting for some Izzats, and caught a couple of them ugly f*ckers.
Ex2: Stop eating like an animal. You are starting to look like a Izzat
by Undertaker2002 August 3, 2019
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A word common in Lebanese Language used as an insult to resemble an idiot, (meaning: shoe)
Person1: Izzat, shut up you Sormeyeh
Izzat: Sorry, I won't talk like an imbecile again
by Undertaker2002 August 1, 2019
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A common word used in Lebanese society referring to a snob or a showoff
Look at that showoff, he's such a manfakh "Lek walla manfakh"
by Undertaker2002 August 1, 2019
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