2 definitions by Ultra Americano

A Canadian and all that it implies. Usually a raging liberal and coward. A self-conscious prig that is so lost in liberalism that they are incapable of action. A parasitic leach that enjoys the freedom afforded them by better men (their stronger southern neighbors)than themselves.
Damn canook, stay outta our country!
by Ultra Americano April 12, 2009
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A Canadian and all that it implies. Usually a raging liberal and coward. A self-conscious prig that is so lost in liberalism that they are incapable of action. A parasitic leach that enjoys the freedom afforded them by better men (their stronger southern neighbors)than themselves. Like a mexican but from the north and usually speaks Frog.
Dude that guy cries like a bitch! Figures he's a Canuck...full of hot air but when you show him your fist he runs the other way.
by Ultra Americano April 12, 2009
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