2 definitions by Uhmmm I’m just a random person

Short for “suspiciousmainly known in among us, could be known from tiktok.
“Dude pink is sus

“Yeah let’s vote pink out
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Charli Grace Damelio’s beautiful fandom, yes there might be toxic dunkins but what fandom doesn’t have its own toxic side? Their edits and coloring are amazing! Just like every other fandom💕 if you get to know them they are the sweetest people in the world just trying to show love for their idol 😋. But don’t make them mad! They will fight back and they definitely know how to 🤭.

Old fandom name: Charli’s Angels 😇💕‼️
“Ugh the dunkins ruined charlis spam”
Nah dude I think you’re the one ruining it with all your hate 😊‼️“
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