3 definitions by Uday

A smart kid who is so gentle but very strong and has six packs he is the most kindest , cutest and nicest guy in the world

And each and very girl will fall for him mostly girls named vanya
Oh is that a shreyram

He is so cute
by Uday April 27, 2022
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The act of sending large amounts of unsolicited mail to Jesus, in the form of prayer. The vast majority never gets past His most holy spam filter.
I can't believe I didn't get that iPod for my birthday, I was spamming Jesus for weeks.
by Uday October 3, 2007
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She is a very corrupted person and if you hit her you will die and sometimes she a dick head and a** hole but idk how all the shreys like that girl don’t know why
Is that a vanya

Yah it is

by Uday April 28, 2022
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