2 definitions by UKnowWhoIAm750

A fat asshole who has no life with anyone and is deeply obsessed with redheads and midgets this will mean that a Jasper has no future with any girl and will be either gay or lonely for the rest of his life. Upon meeting a Jasper, it is good to know that his weaknesses are his self-esteem and any relationship problems including redheads.
person a: Why are you squishy my booty? You wouldn't happen to be a Jasper, would you?
Person B: (Nods head slowly.
by UKnowWhoIAm750 December 5, 2019
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Jemima is a lovely person who enjoys a laugh but can be fierce when people eat her chocolate
by UKnowWhoIAm750 December 5, 2019
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