1 definition by U.B.N

1: Act of breaking & not taking care of other people's belongings and property. Destroys valuable items and leaves the owner to deal with the issue, offering no help, apology, or compensation at all.

2: Act of breaking almost everything they touch, and expecting a replacement/repair with no consequence for their action.

3:Being excessively rough on property and materials and not expecting it to break.
The Roguish kids came to the playground broke the swing, and threw trash everywhere then left and went home like nothing happened.
That roguish kid always breaks every pair of $60 headsets we get him.

The roguish kid though it was funny to stand on the neighbors car,until the windshield cracked, and she couldn't afford to fix it and didn't try to help either.
The roguish kid splashed the toy boat until it sunk and broke, and didn't replace the toy.
by U.B.N July 17, 2021
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