1 definition by Tzczar

A slang word defines a chinese who insulted caixukun and unintentionally enraged caixukun's fans(chinese:爱坤/ikun). It WAS used by ikun, but mostly use in a conversation when you make fun of caixukun nowdays. Caixukun have made a commercial mistake by mispronounced 只因 (because, pinyin: zhi1 yin1) ambiguously to 鸡 (chicken, pinyin: ji1, mispronounce version: tch-yi4). chinese usually pronounce the mispronounce version to make fun of caixukun action to proclaim they're not ikun.
Chinese A: hey I just found some chicken(只因), you want some?
Chinese B: why is xiaoheizi everywhere
by Tzczar March 8, 2023
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