3 definitions by Type1Nonce

A gay paedophile currymuncher who has a miniscule penis and likes sucking off men for a fiver, he also has a little thing for his neighbour barbara who will most likely die in a couple years, she also has a rash on her large baffoon looking breasts. A josh also acts a bit big for his height thinking he can take down the Dilan the brick and Anthony the ("I cant breathe"). A josh also dresses their brother up for roleplay
O look theres a josh gay.
by Type1Nonce September 10, 2020
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The alternative uk term for calling someone a pedophile. Also a funny thing to call your friends if

they're a bit weird.
"Yo jake, see that nonce over in the park over there".

"You're actually such a nonce m8".
by Type1Nonce January 13, 2020
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A gay paedophile currymuncher who has a miniscule penis and likes sucking off men for a fiver, he also has a little thing for his neighbour barbara who will most likely die in a couple years, she also has a rash on her large baffoon looking breasts. A josh also acts a bit big for his height thinking he can take down the Dilan the brick and Anthony the ("I cant breathe"). A josh also dresses their brother up for roleplay.
by Type1Nonce September 10, 2020
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