1 definition by Tu mama :))))))

Denisse is very confident she tends to have the balls to do anything! She will stand up for anyone, especially her close friends! She can be very rude when she has her moments but an amazing friend. She tends to be very creative and a good artist! She has a lot of guy friends and always thinks ahead! She’s good at math and has a lot of self love. She has a good sense of clothing taste. She is a great girlfriend she’s nervous at first but soon you’ll see the real her, you need time to talk her she always expect you to text first and to be loved. She always wants to text you but it’s to nervous. She thinks of you 24/7 and gets taken advantage of, don’t take things too fast though. She has brown hair and the most gorgeous beautiful girl you’ve EVER seen!!!
by Tu mama :)))))) May 9, 2019
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