1 definition by TruthHurtsOUCH

A site where a bunch of fat white miserable ugly women come together to post their latest makeup hoard. They have tuns of makeup that they hardly ever use (like it'll help them if they did use it). We're talking stash pics where like one owner would have 50+ blushes, hundreds of lipsticks/lipgloss, thousands of eyeshadows and foundations, millions of nail polish, etc. Enough shit to stock 2 Sephora stores and STILL have left overs. They also sit on their fat asses all day and post about food and how much they're starving, poop, vaginal secretions or odor, labia size, man problems, if they should go and workout, breastfeeding drama, etc. There are cliques and if you aren't popular you can forget about getting your questions answered.

Another thing they like to do is bash very attractive female celebrities (or hell, even attractive members) just so they can feel better about themselves. Nine times out of ten, if you log on to that site, there will be a celeb pic post with almost every response being a bash on looks, body, EVERYTHING! If an attractive member posts pics on the FOTD board, almost everyone would try to find something in that pic to bash the poster about instead of commenting on the damn makeup. If she tries to defend herself, they'll attack her even more until she finally gets fed up and deletes her account.
OP: Wow this girl is gorgeous! What eyeliner is she wearing?

Typical makeupalley responses:
Hater1: Her shoes are ugly.
Hater2: Meh.
Hater3: Ugh, her ears are HUGE!
Hater4: Wow, she's fat.
Hater5: Saggy tits.
Hater6: Greasy hair.
Hater7: I'm sorry but she's ugly.
Hater8: She looks like a slut.
Hater9: What is with that teeny tiny mole on her index finger? GROSS!
Hater10: Whore.

* I'm sure you pretty much get where i'm going with this. The responses have NOTHING to do with the original post. Just a bunch of bashing.
by TruthHurtsOUCH November 10, 2011
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