3 definitions by TruthHurts

The RPG that started it all. Without this baby, Final Fantasy wouldn't exist, and due to this every FF fanboy owes his soul to Dragon Warrior.
Dragon Warrior kicks ass
by TruthHurts October 6, 2003
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A channel that turns America's teens into mindless fuckholes who group themselves in large masses and scream whenever they see one of their dumbass pop idols come out. Constant exposure to MTV has been known to turn guys into fags and girls into dykes. The most accurate record of this is when the slut Britney Spears kissed the bi Madonna on the MTV music awards and officially became a lesbo, although thousands of 50 year old crusty men beat their meat to it.
My girlfriend watched so much MTV that now she goes to SpringBreak each year and takes 100 cocks a day.
by TruthHurts October 6, 2003
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A no talk, badass swordsman who cut up a giant porcupine named Lavos with his ninja steel. Afterwards, he got a huge hard-on and boned Marle, Lucca, and Ayla while Magus watched.
Crono scores with his ninja steel yet again!
by TruthHurts October 7, 2003
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