9 definitions by Trumplodyte

When you wake someone up by ripping a loud fart in their ear or face. A common prank played on those who like to sleep in at boy scout camp, church camps, fraternities, and boot camp. While likely done do a lesser extent, girls also have been known to participate in this activity at slumber parties. Please note the difference between this definition and "sound the alarm"
Frank is still sleeping and we need to leave in 10 minutes, so why don't you give him a wake up call to get him out of bed.
by Trumplodyte July 8, 2019
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Releasing a loud, ripping fart immediately upon waking. Usually this is done while the farter is still half-asleep.
My college roommate would sound the alarm every morning around 6am.
by Trumplodyte July 5, 2019
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