48 definitions by True_Lust

Once you listen to this music, you forget that she keyed your car. 11/10
Some say future funk is a subcategory of retrowave. Others says that it is its own separate genre of music.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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This man is the last and only true prophet to ever walk this Earth. Vote for him in the Democratic primaries.
Dude 1: Between Andrew Yang and Joe Biden, who do I choose?
Dude 2: Andrew Yang is woke af not gonna lie.
Dude 1: True. Hope he wins against Trump.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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The state of having two or more medical conditions at the same time
I have depression and anxiety. This is God’s cruel humor in comorbidity.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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History: A German psychiatrist who first observed autism, the actual father of Neurodiversity. The former diagnosis “Asperger’s” is named after him.
Leo Kanner took credit for Hans Asperger’s work and catalyzed the medical model’s relatively harsh view of autism.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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The way Keith (stand up comedian) Alberstadt’s ex-girlfriend said “I love you” in one of his comedic anecdotes
Southern Belle: I lurve you.
Keith Alberstadt: Well you complute me.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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A word used to describe a female human who has a relatively high concentration of subcutaneous fat on the buttocks and breasts. An example of this is Nicki Minaj.
Dude 1: Bro, your mom is so fat that she could live off of her fat for the rest of her life.
Dude 2: Well your mom is so phat that she can balance my mom on her ass.
by True_Lust July 22, 2019
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