3 definitions by Tresfingers

(V) To smoke pot with no regard to conservation. To only burn and inhale the resin and hair off of a marijuana bud and then dispose of the remaining green matter.
"Ray had such quality and quantity that he would only "Humboldt burn" his weed.
by Tresfingers October 12, 2011
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(N) A very bad and poorly timed joke. The worst joke a person could tell. A joke that not only spoils the mood, but makes the situation uncomfortable.
After Flynn told the death joke, you could here a pin drop, and every body headed for the door.
by Tresfingers October 16, 2011
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(N) A dense and plentiful amount of ear hair that spills forth normally from an Italian, Portuguese or German older males.
Luigi had to put his ear wig in a pony tail so he could hear the radio.
by Tresfingers October 16, 2011
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