4 definitions by Trent A

A half finished Captin and coke left laying around and available for consumption. A close relative of a Larry
I was scoping the wedding for a Larry but I had to settle for a Peg Leg
by Trent A July 31, 2006
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Simply defined as a Chucky floating inside a Larry, or otherwise a half smoked cigarette extinguished in a half drunk beer.
I was on the hunt for a Larry and a Chucky but fortunately I was able to scrounge up a Sir Charles.
by Trent A July 31, 2006
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A half drunken beer left lying around and available for consumption. The warmer the better.
The bartender shut down before the reception was over so I had to go hunting for a Larry
by Trent A July 31, 2006
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the name for a have drunken bomb type shot that is left on the bar and available to be finished off. A relative off the Larry. Numerous varities exist. See O'Kaczynski the Irish car bomb, Adolf Kaczynski the Jager bomb, George Washington Kaczynski the Cherry Bomb
That dude couldn't finish his irish car bomb so I grabbed me an O'Kaczynski
by Trent A July 31, 2006
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