1 definition by Trashcan! <3

A Leila is usually smart and pretty, though she doesn’t think she is. Leila’s usually have brunette hair, or a mixture of blonde and brown. They always make others laugh and smile and usually love their friends and family. Leilas are often shy around others, and blushes a hell of a lot. She has pretty, unusual eyes that stand out. They usually act older than they actually are, but sometimes can be very young and be crazy.
A Leila is not considered the popular one, but feels as though she is.
Leila’s are very kind, but can be sassy and bossy at certain situations.
Person: Leila, you look very beautiful today!
Leila: Nahhhh! You do! I’m the opposite of beautiful <3
by Trashcan! <3 March 4, 2018
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