1 definition by TotallyADealerWhoWantsSumOfDat

The day where you start to see how big of a gentleman ya father really is.What?Your father doesn't just say "You don't bring me anything" like he does for me every year?Wow,you guys must be having a bad time whenever June comes over.At least it's still March :) but then there's mother's day.Come on guys,go prepare!
Friend:So I bought USA's strongest tank,some deodorant that is guaranteed to get my stepdad all them girls,and some new manly ass shoes that will ironically make other shoes dirty instead of themselves when being stepped on.All that for June 21st.
Me:Duuuuuude,chill.Father's day is just a day.That's way too much stuff to buy for a day.Plus,your mom was out of her damn mind when she decided to marry that selfish idiot.
Friend:You talkin' trash about my parents?Let's see what karma has to say about this.
Karma:Hey what's up guys it's biggie cheese.
Friend:Wrong line!
Me:Does this happen every single year?Anyway,in father's day,my father be like: "You don't have to bring me anything." It just really frustrates me! *Proceeds to talk some nonsense for the next ten minutes*
Friend:I have been successfully convinced to hate father's day now.
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